
Capture your smile,
Hahaha hello. If you're reading this, i assume you already know me well enough so i guess i don't have to say anything here. But well, if not, you should at least know my name. It's Shiyun.
I hope that everyone's having a great weekend so far although my week is going pretty bad with no signs of improvement over the weekends. Been so tired everyday. Here's a picture of me sleeping with Charlie squeezing me to the corner of the bed with her fat bum bum:

Look at how massively fat she is (I'm talking about the cat, but i'm massively fat too)

Monday was a regular Running Man day followed by netball at night. Loved the Running Man episode because Gary and Jihyo were a team and they won HAHAHA still love them. Even though we lost the match at night and i always get called for fouls i didn't commit, it was a good exercise session nevertheless.

Tuesday was a regular school day followed by netball in the evening. (Yes everyday is a regular day because i'm a regular girl) It was Kurrajong Village vs Erica Underwood and we won yay HAHAHA KV pride. But yea that was about it.

Wednesday was a short day at Indigenous workshop before coming home to cook lunch. Weather was really good that day so i decided to head over to the gym and do some shooting too. Totally need much more training for my shooting. I obviously do not remember much of what i do. Well, life still isn't really picking up so i just hope all will get better soon.

Thursday was a supposed long day but Bellerie and i decided to skip the afternoon lectures again and lucky us for doing so because anatomy lecture was cancelled in the end HAHAHA. We tried the pulled pork subway for lunch and it was super yumz i loved it! Shall eat it again someday. She came over afterwards and we both settled our first Indigenous critical reflection. At least we did something productive HAHAHA. I'll start on the others soon so that i have less work to do during the next tuition free week.

Friday was a super nua day because i woke up close to 11am. Did my laundry and changed my sheets before heading over to the gym. It was mostly abs day because i'm so fat with one round tummy. Made too much fried rice that night for dinner but all was well and i had an early night too.

Woke up close to 11am today too. Life's been really draining and tiring and everything negative. Mal came to pick me after her farm placement and we had soup noodles for lunch. We are really pig buddies because we bought a tub of Baskin Robbins over to Pearlyn's place to eat while we study after feeding Kitkat HAHAHA. Taro taro dinner was yumz. Yes i have no life that's why all i can talk about is the food i eat everyday LOL. I has issues.

Thankful for having Mal here in Perth with me. She makes everything better.

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